Sunday, April 19, 2009

the time illusion

it feels early in the morning, but it's more like early in that late sort of way. what is the deal with time? and how our perception of it is limited by our sleep patterns?

what time is it?

and what the bleep do we really know?

(well, i do know that if you write the word LOVE and attach that note to something and then put it in a guitar, along with your best intentions, that thing cannot help but be better for it. science told us that. we're talking well documented molecule structure stuff. stuff you can't make up. but then, you must be able to imagine it).

crazy neo hippie freaks.

Monday, April 13, 2009

inside out

"The reason why no one has successfully been able to form a resistance against Global Tyranny, endless war, Famine, and Bigotry, is because no one accepts the fact that deep down inside we need these things, and indeed we created them. Not on a conscious level, but on an unconscious universal level through the behaviors, thoughts and actions that we don't recognize about ourselves. We created the evil on this earth. And there's no reason to beat ourselves up over it. We needed to create it. It is necessary to have these things in physical form in order to show us what we are doing to ourselves on the inside. And until we take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions, there is not a political leader among us, not a religion on earth, not a revolution or movement in sight, and not a reform of society in the world that will save us from the extinction in front of us."


Saturday, April 4, 2009

getting cocky

why is it considered cocky to share the best parts of ourselves with others? where do we get this idea that humility means presenting less of yourself to others?

humility is the defining characteristic of an unpretentious and modest person, someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.

if we present less of ourselves to feel humble, we must feel that we are better or more important than others. we must feel that we need to be less in order not to appear better. this is false humility. this is, in fact, no humility at all.

to be at your best and still believe that you are no better or more important than any other is true humility. it also empowers those around you by acknowledging that they are as important and as good as your best self. unfortunately, cultural consciousness traps us in a mentality of less-than-ness. if you are something that i admire, than i am less than you. we cannot admire each other, without denigrating ourselves. the opposite is true as well, that we cannot admire ourselves without denigrating each other.

i seek mutual admiration, mutually empowering. i seek my own infinite potential, and i encourage you to seek your own. your best will only empower my best. your worst will only seek to better both of us. and i will bless you for it. you cannot be less than you are. you are more and forever growing.

who you are now creates who you are tomorrow, and if you seek to be better tomorrow, bless today, whatever it is, as a step towards tomorrow.

if there is even a smidgen of goodness in your life - and there must be, or you are not looking closely enough - everything else is for that. changing even one thing creates a butterfly effect, making some things possible and others not so. everything is necessary to create even the smallest goodness, and even the smallest goodness is worth infinitely more than great bad. that you have been protected from other great bads is, in itself, a great good. bless all of it, for you have no idea what could or could not have been as a result. imagine the possibilities! all moment is pregnant with potential. all moment is pure creation. all moment is necessary. all moment is awesome.